Thursday, October 22, 2009


I guess the Cone of Silence stopped working as soon as Bush Mach II left the White House. Cheney has said more in the last 9 months than he did the whole time he was pres.. er... vice president.

His term "dithering" made me laugh today. How is approaching the future loss of life for US citizens (and Afghan civilians) in a thoughtful, intelligent way considered "dithering"? Does Cheney think Obama is conferring with too many people who know what they're talking about? How many is too many when war is the issue?

Cheney, Bush, and Rumsfeld didn't "dither". They did things the "Texan" way. Make decisions quickly, shoot from the hip, and act with much bravado. "Testosterone poisoning", as one friend calls it.

Facts were ignored, evidence was tampered with, Congress and citizens were misled, people died. And much of this was done in what became something of a Nixonian organization.

I don't want to go back to the days where snap decisions are made -- some of which are done to satisfy a thirst for power. I like that we have a president who takes some time making an informed decision when lives are on the line. And that he does so in what appears so far to be an open manner.

I'll take dithering over slithering any ole day.

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