Thursday, March 24, 2011

You know you're a dog lover when...

I got to thinking today what a bizarre bunch we dog lovers are and how we have adapted our lives around our dogs. So, I got a conversation going on Twitter today. You can find my and other's comments at #doglover.

Here are some of my tweets to answer the sentence, "You know you're a dog lover when...."
  • You find dog poop on your wedding ring and don't even flinch.
  • You start your day with dog fur floating in your coffee cup.
  • You leave your outdoor winter gear within reach until mid-April.
  • Drool is the new furniture polish.
  • Your rugs have throw rugs on top of them.
  • You introduce your dog to your houseguests before you take their coats.
  • You spend more time grooming the dog than yourself.
  • Friends ask you how "the kids" are doing and you don't have any children.
  • Sleeping in is something you did back in college.
  • Your mother calls and asks how the dogs are doing before she asks about your husband.
  • You say you're taking the dogs on a "W" because the word "walk" makes them crazy.
  • You pass a dog and remember him but have no idea what the dogwalker looked like.
  • You have an email address and/or password with your dog's name or breed in it
  • You drive with the windows rolled down on a 20-degree day.
  • The word "bitch" doesn't phase you.
  • You spend an easy $100 at the pet supply store but cringe when your own food bill comes to $80.
  • You always have paper towels and Resolve Pet Stain carpet cleaner on your weekly shopping list.
  • You are friends with your vets and their employees on Facebook.
  • Your arthritic dog gets a massage every two weeks and you get one once a year.
  • People apologize to you ahead of time if they're going to say something not completely glowing about a dog.
  • Friends call you for advice before they call the vet.
Can you complete this sentence? If so, add your thoughts here or on Twitter under the topic #doglover.

C'mon! Join in!


  1. My thoughts....

    When you always carry extra biscuits in your purse in case you meet a new dog.

    When you buy stock in lint/fur removal roller-tape.

    When you buy clothes that match your you don't need to spend so much time using that roller-tape.

    When you know EXACTLY what your dog is saying by the bark he/she is using.

    When you dog gets her own pillow on the bed.

    When you turn down concert tickets to spend a "quiet night home with the dogs".

  2. Love 'em! I especially like the one about buying clothes that match your dog. Great tip :-0
