Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Old friends

It's been almost two weeks since I posted something here. That doesn't mean I haven't been writing, though. Just found myself caught up with life - especially vacation.

Seeing old friends in FL was just so wonderful. It amazes me that years can go by where you just email or facebook and occasionally call. Yet, when you see each other again, the old rhythm kicks right in. The same easy chatter and relaxed body language flow without a thought.

I'm blessed in many ways, but having friends who support me and make me laugh are high up on my list. I've also been lucky to have friends who are always there. Maybe they're not in the forefront of my life every day. But they stick with me and never let me down when I need them.

I feel bad for people who don't have that in their lives. It must be hard to a) not have friends you can count on, or b) have friends but not be able to stick with them when emotions get scary. I've had friends who have walked instead of staying and talking it out. Yes, it's more work and it forces you to walk into uncomfortable territory, but so what? Being uncomfortable for a short time is a small price to pay for keeping a trusted friend.

The types of friends I visited last week are the ones that keep me sane and fill me with joy. And, though I'm sad when they move away, it helps me remember that the world is a small place when I have friends scattered all over it.


  1. Old friends are people you can reconnect with without hesitation - you pick up where you left off - no apologies because life happens to us all yet your connection remains strong and durable and flexible. We're just back from visiting old friends who winter in Arizona and the bond is as strong as ever. It's the people that count and the shared memories and the laughter and growing together and growing older that bind. It really is a nice feeling.
